
12742759_969069766463361_9208991299552763299_nSo, I spent today experimenting with embroidery over the top of my self portraits. The portraits are printed on 6×4 Photo paper which gives them a rather glossy, stiff finish. Piercing the photo paper with the needle and thread was a sort of therapy in itself as it created a sense of fragility within to a finished and structured piece. I want to experiment with colours and textures more. I also think it would look a lot more effective if the thread wasn’t as neat, almost ragged looking and more expressive. Which overall is the effect I am trying to create for my finished piece.

My new store.

My goal for this year is to get my art out there. I am finishing my Fine Art degree this year so I wanted to try and get my work out there for people to see so I set up a few online stores with just a few of my latest prints.

Etsy: Jayde Ebony Art.

Bigcartel: Jaydeebonyart.

I would really appreciate it if you could check it out.




Also, I would like to apologise for not posting as much as I would like to, I’m currently in the process of writing my dissertation but I will do my best to keep updating my blog. Thanks again, Jayde xo

Handmade Christmas Gifts.

This year I am a little short on cash and I know that most of my family would understand not even getting a gift for Christmas because I am a uni student after all! However, I am finally putting my skills to good use and giving people hand made gifts, from embroidery hoops, kitted scarves and small illustrations based on their personal loves.  These photos don’t really do them justice, I would love to do some little commissioned pieces for people for a very small price, if anyone is interested as I have really enjoyed creating artwork that people can enjoy. if anyone would actually like a little commissioned water colour, I would love to hear from you so feel free to email me @:Jayde.Trollope@gmail.com you can check out my work a little better on my instagram @jayde_ebony_.

Enough advertising my own work, I want to talk about the perks of giving and receiving a small handmade gift. Its personal, the amount of heart and hard work that goes into even a small sketch is more than it takes to just go and find some gift set from a store. It is also more personal to that person, its something that they love and enjoy drawn or painted that they can keep forever. I really like the idea of shopping small this year, small businesses I mean. Its more original. Its more unique. So even if its not with me, support small businesses this year. support those who work hard at there crafts and make someone’s year.



Uni Project.

Just a sneak peek into my latest artwork for my university course Final degree show as I am now in my final year of the Fine Art course. Any feedback would be great, thankyou. xo

my new store.

So I have opened up a BigCartel (click to go to site) so far I only have two prints up for sale that are up for a reduced price at the moment. It would be great if you guys could at least check it out, any orders will get an extra little sketch from me to say thankyou to spread the christmas cheer! It would mean a lot for your support! xo