
12742759_969069766463361_9208991299552763299_nSo, I spent today experimenting with embroidery over the top of my self portraits. The portraits are printed on 6×4 Photo paper which gives them a rather glossy, stiff finish. Piercing the photo paper with the needle and thread was a sort of therapy in itself as it created a sense of fragility within to a finished and structured piece. I want to experiment with colours and textures more. I also think it would look a lot more effective if the thread wasn’t as neat, almost ragged looking and more expressive. Which overall is the effect I am trying to create for my finished piece.

Valentines day post.

Valentines day is just an excuse to get all soppy, eat lots of chocolate and have sex  a nice romantic meal. Chester and I aren’t really the type to celebrate valentines day, in fact, previous years have resulted in him buying me malteasers and then eating them himself.

This year, although we had planned we weren’t even going to celebrate valentines day Chester decided to buy me something which meant I had to run out and find some last minute gifts for him too. Also, Chester is a child when it comes to surprises so he gave me my gifts the night before. However, I loved them obviously, in true Chester style, they were randomly perfect. First of all the card…he hadn’t realised until he had sealed the envelope(I dont understand how this works…) it was in fact an easter card. But it was perfect non the less. The gifts were lovely, a bag from primark I had my eyes on for a while, rather expensive considering it was from primark, and some adorable lotus candle holders from tiger, like I said we aren’t really into the soppy crap so flowers are a no. I got him some malteasers to mix things up a little and a bottle of Jack Daniels.

Today, being valentines day(the actual day) we decided to take a nice little drive as it was a beautiful day and then head home to play GTA 5 for a few hours, then followed by Gourmet Burger Kitchen Burgers (vegetarian for me) and a snuggle with The Martian on dvd.

I hope everyone else is enjoying their valentines day, even if you are alone. Have a nice relaxing sunday everyone.

xo Jayde



Bleach London: beach lights and rose shampoo review. 

 Hey guys! So yesterday I decided I wanted to something different with my hair! Therefore I picked up some bleach London products from boots. I decided I wanted to bleach my hair a lot more and then  add a sort of washed out pink to it, and oh my glob. The bleach kit was one of the easiest kits I have used! It came with a wide comb that made it super easy to brush through the hair and it took straight away! I am so happy with how blonde it is after leaving it on for 35 minutes. After I had washed the bleach out I gave it a rinse with the rose shampoo and although I didn’t leave it on long enough it still added some pink tones to my hair. Next time I wash it I’m going to leave it on a little longer so as to add a bit more vibrancy to the colour. But overall I am super happy with the results!! And feeling great about my hair. Thanks Bleach London! Xo 


My new store.

My goal for this year is to get my art out there. I am finishing my Fine Art degree this year so I wanted to try and get my work out there for people to see so I set up a few online stores with just a few of my latest prints.

Etsy: Jayde Ebony Art.

Bigcartel: Jaydeebonyart.

I would really appreciate it if you could check it out.




Also, I would like to apologise for not posting as much as I would like to, I’m currently in the process of writing my dissertation but I will do my best to keep updating my blog. Thanks again, Jayde xo

Treat yo self 1

So of course after getting my student loan yesterday I had to spend a little on makeup! However I spent a lot less than I was expecting. After spending some time shopping I found some really great pieces in new look of all places. For £5.99 I got the cutest little powder contour kit which I’m really excited to try out so I’ll keep you guys updated on that. Also as I’m trying my best to look after my nails this year by using cuticle oil and hand cream I also treated myself to some pretty great nail varnishes 2 of which are matte and the third is a surprisingly great glitter pink nail varnish that has a really bold finish unlike most cheap glitter nail varnishes that tend to give you about 3 pieces of glitter on one nail. These were £2.99 each!! I’ve always loved new look and now finding out they have a great beauty range has just made me love them more. Xo  


New year. New MEals.

So its a week into the new year and so far I have eaten as little meat as possible, I have been swapping meat for a vegetarian option when possible, also I was given an amazing spiralizer for Christmas which I have been using to swap spaghetti for spiralized vegetables with vegetarian bolognese sauce. I am feeling so good, I am less bloated, and I just feel so much better in myself. I would definitely recommend this ‘diet’ change for people who want to make a positive change in their lives this year, its not as hard as it sounds, and its super tasty. Ive also started making my own soups and I will be putting up recipes soon. I want to try at least one new meal a week and upload the recipe for you guys! I hope you enjoy this new journey with me.






Stay positive. 

  my goal for this year is to look after myself, look after my body, my mind and my soul. I want to become more positive and more outgoing and just take every chance I get to do something new. I am also going to try and incorporate more vegetarian meals into my diet and look after my body and my health. I just want to be the best person I can be. Not just for this year but for my future. I would really love the opportunity to create some commissioned artwork just to get my name out there, even small pieces, I want to create more craftwork whether it’s knitting or embroidery I am open to everything right now. If anyone has any projects for me to work on send me an email and we can work something out together. Jayde.trollope@gmail.com 
Let’s make this year the best. Together. Xo 

Best shower ever! 

 I just had the best shower ever! Now I don’t usually use anything that isn’t from lush when I shower/bathe but as I was given a lot of new stuff for Christmas I thought I should give them a go. One of my favourite smelling things I was given is a set from Treacle Moon, my coconut island. I have never smelt something that’s coconutty and creamy in my life! And it made my skin super soft. My goal this year is to look after my self a lot better, skin, nails, hair, body just everything I want to be so much healthier and happier this year. I’ve also started using tresemme shampoos and conditioners a lot more so my boyfriends mum got me some huge bottle which makes me happy (go me!) it’s been keeping my hair shiny and soft since I started dying it blonde. Last but not least my simple spotless skin triple action face wash to help repair my skin after all those Christmas chocolates. I reccommend all of these products as I know feel crazy relaxed and smell awesome!!! Xo